Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Rally, yesterday afternoon. It was a great success and we look forward to the next one. By the amount of positive honks we were getting, as we held our signs up proudly, it is obvious that the people of Hamilton care very much about the welfare of animals. The problem is that they just aren't aware of what is going on at their local Animal Control. So, our goal is to get the word out, and we did a great job of that yesterday. Well done, to all of you who attended.
-Terry Chapman Hutchison
A great protest in Hamilton today, my first with many more to come. Speak up for animals and the shelters should stop the killing.
-John Zernikel
RIP little ones, you did not die in vain, there will be change, send thousands of good vibes to the Rally today, as it is the year of the cat and there will be change for the good.
After the rally, can someone bump up the names and emails of people on city council and anyone else we should send a letter? I am sure after today there will be a lot more people ready to press the send button.
-Donna Smyth
If you haven't read "Redemption" by Nathan Winograd, it's important to do so. The public is being blamed for shelter killing when it's a very small fraction of people who are truly irresponsible. It is the compassionate majority who want to see life-saving programs & policies put into place. Blaming "the public" for shelter killing doesn't stand up to the smell test.
-Chris Harris
If the vet makes $70 per animal euthanized, then he/she made 83 X 70=$5810 in one day. You wonder why the City of hamilton does not have the money to open the shelter for public adoptions, it is because they are spending thousands a day to kill the kittens and cats.
-Lillian Szilagy
HAC and 83 cats and 7 dogs killed.....for space....THIS HAS TO STOP!
This makes me SICK....:(
Yes, thanks to all who do care....
The City of Hamilton does NOT; nor do the shelter managers there: the policy of paying a vet to KILL, instead of performing vaccinations, medications when necessary, spay/ neuter etc. is INSANE.....
How is it possible that many of us in rescue protect the animals we save with our lives, spend any amount of $$ necessary to make them well when they are sick and go to the end of the earth to find just the right home when this kind of insanity is allowed to continue?
I have so much more to say but often feel that I must remain in some way silent to protect those in my care.
One day – if I can survive that long and it is becoming more and more of a struggle daily – I will have many less in my care and I will have one of the loudest voices around – I am so sick of this unnecessary killing. How do these people sleep at night??
Claudia – I thank you for being that voice right now – most sincerely.
-Nancy Martin
Despite what the non-political animal lovers say, protests DO work. It takes time and persistence but pays off in the long term. Look at what a year of media stories and protests did for the Toronto Humane Society - we turned a bad situation into positive change and hope. City animal controls have long been there to protect people from animals. We have to teach them to do it both ways. Thanks to all who rallied.
-Ken Wood
Was informed today that 7 dogs were also killed along with the 83 cats. Apparently Parvo was the reason given. Gawd help any animal that ends up inside this building :(
Every person I spoke to in their cars (and I spoke to LOTS!) were truly shocked to learn about their Animal Control 'policies' and most used the terms 'cruel' and 'inhumane' after learning. Hope the discussions continue and word spreads to many others in Hamilton! It was a good day! Thanks to all who came and joined this first Rally!
Demand change!
-Jack Clark
Just wanted to say thanks for your support to those who came out to Hamilton today. It was a successful event. Look for an upcoming article in the Hamilton Spectator.
We are planning another Rally - this time in front of Hamilton City Hall in about a month from now. Will post details when they are available.
In the meantime, we would appreciate any one in Hamilton or going there to help distribute flyers to spread awareness for this issue, and please continue to write to the Mayor & Councillors.
-Eva McDowell
Some people came and went throughout the afternoon. Around 20 people attended. After the rally began, we went up the street where there was a constant flux of traffic and cars could read our messages. Eva, Cindy and Beata were especially passionate, going up to cars to talk to the occupants. We had the chance to bond together, and there were lots of people showing support.
While we were demonstrating an animal control van with a cargo of animals entered the building: more animals going to be slaughtered. By the way, in addition to the 83 cats, also 7 dogs were killed this past Friday.
Rescuing animals from the HAC the way it's done now is a band aid solution, it does not solve the problems, 10 rescued today and 20 more coming in at the same time. We need new directives and a compassionate pound manager, willing, with an open mind, to consider and implement alternative solutions to killing. Only public pressure can make this happen.
-Claudia Vecchio
Eva McDowell: "The one & only picture from our Rally Sat June 25."
Jack Clark: "Almost sunset and still standing! Now that's what I call commitment :)"
Hamilton Animal Control - Stop the Killings (HAC-STK)