Request for a review and investigation into the treatment of Animals while in the care of
Hamilton Animal Control - Report on the cruelty
Examples of specific animals and their treatment while under the care of Hamilton Animal Control. I am sure there are more examples but this is the information I have found that needs to be investigated or an inquiry made.
I am asking that all printed copies of this report black out all the names and email addresses used and that if specific information is required, they can contact me for details. ****Names and email addresses have been removed below.
Tigger-Two and Kobe- Elderly cat left to suffer for days before he passed away at shelter and cat suffering with abscess.
I first noticed this elderly cat Tigger-Two while looking on Petfinder March 14, 2011 and wrote a response because they were asking for someone to rescue him which I thought was unusual seeing as he looked like he was dying..
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:24:11 -0400, "LillyS" <--> wrote:
>> Tigger Two looks like he needs more than a new home. He looks like my
>> 21 yr old cat did the day before she died! Whats that you hear? My
>> heart breaking?>>
Response I got from my inquiry about Tigger-Two who looked like he was dying in the picture.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "LillyS" <-->
Cc: <-->; <-->
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: urgent list for Monday <-->?
> Yes...he's probably a zillion years old, but he's VERY sweet and perky.
> There are no obvious medical problems other than age. He's eating,
> drinking, using the litterbox - but not too much if you know what I
> mean.
And then this email indicating Tigger-Two died on March 16, 2011.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <--><-->
Cc: "LillyS" <-->; <-->
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: URGENTS to be rescued by this Thursday?
> Tigger Two died yesterday. Poor little man.
> I rescued "Bob" and "Pebbles" yesterday.
> Calipso has a missing ear - probably from a dog. VERY sad.
> Kobe is awesome - has an abscess from fighting.
> Amos & Andy MUST be rescued together. VERY VERY sweet boys - bonded!
> Good looking list. Thanks, Ladies
In this email, Kobe is mentioned having an abscess. Below is his Petfinder picture.
Burned Boy Trooper: Cat with burns on his back
I was advised that this cat was treated with ointment while at shelter. Is that appropriate seeing his condition? Should he not have been given antibiotics or painkillers? Please investigate as there is even a video of his burns.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <--><-->
Cc: <--><-->; <-->; <-->
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: OMG what can we do about this boy?
> I saw this guy and he's really really sweet. His wounds look like burns. :(

YouTube video of burns:
I asked the OSPCA to investigate this cat and was told “The cats are vet treated....the burned cat was treated 2 times a day with ointment while he was there and only had one open wound (the rest were scratches)”. You watch the video and be the judge.
Here is an update on him-look under the name Trooper.
Emma/Jessie: Persian cat that was also dying at the shelter.
I asked the OSPCA to investigate this Persian as her picture on Petfinder showed a cat that was in serious distress. I have still not been advised on how this cat was treated while in the care of Hamilton Animal Control so it still needs to be investigated. Please read the following email and blog about the rescue. Emma ended up being a boy renamed Jessie. Please investigate how this animal was medically treated while at shelter. Please investigate the suffering that is allowed at Hamilton Animal Control and see why the OSPCA is not called in immediately by the city workers when they get these animals in to be medically treated. Why isn’t a rescue group called immediately by Hamilton Animal Control to save the animal? Why is it up to someone posting his picture and asking for help before he is saved from his suffering?

UPDATE: March 15, 2011 - It turns out Emma is a neutered male the animal control facility did not sex him correctly.
He is currently at our vet clinic - he was very sick, dehydrated and emaciated - he actually went into cardiac arrest on Wednesday and the tech revived him.
As of Thursday and Friday it was not looking good, but he seemed to perk up on Saturday with his heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature improving. Blood work indicated a severe infection, parasites, his levels are all over the place but that is to be expected considering the condition he is in and who knows how long he has been this way, from the severity of the matting we think for quite some time. Sunday he was actually able to sit up and yesterday he stood up. He is a very sweet little guy, super affectionate and purrs so loud, loves to have his paw touching you. He is still on iv as he is not out of the woods yet, but...everyday we see improvement.
UPDATE - March 9, 2011 - We have pulled kitty from the animal control facility - and have moved her to our vet clinic where she is receiving much needed medical care. This poor sweet girl is approximately 1 year old; she came in as a stray. Emma (now identified as male) is severely matted, dehydrated and very emaciated. They have started to remove some of the matting on her which are right to her skin - it will take many grooming sessions to fully remove them all. We will be doing blood work and further testing and will keep you posted on her status.
Jessie is our little miracle. Once unloved and riddled with neglect this little fellow ended up in an animal control facility. Jessie's story: My name is <-->. I work full time and in my spare time after taking care of my family I try to help by saving animals on death row. One evening after a long day of work, and rescue, I thought I would check my emails one last time before retiring to bed. There were the usual messages we rescuers receive on a daily basis i.e. so many pleas for animals in desperate need. Being a rescue it is overwhelming at times. There was an email from Nancy who frequently posts animals on death row, whose time has run out. I don't know why I clicked on that message as I am so over my limit with dogs and cats in my rescue, but I did, I read the usual plea for cats sitting on death row, I continued to read the message and saw a line that said "and the saddest is this persian who needs vetting asap", I scrolled down and there was a picture which horrified me. That night all I could think about was Jessie only having until Friday to find rescue help. I picked up the phone and called my contact at the facility; I asked if she could put a hold on him until Thursday. I had no idea what I would do to help this little soul, but there was just something that told me I would find help for him. I posted Jessie immediately on my rescue site with an urgent plea for a foster home. The next day, I checked my messages on my lunch and an email popped up referencing "urgent Jessie". My heart was racing and I couldn't open the email fast enough, there was a message from a woman named <--> enquiring about becoming his foster mom and asked if I could call her. I immediately picked up the phone and we talked, I sent <--> a foster application which she completed right away. Next, I called my vet to ask if I could bring him there as he was in immediate need of medical care. I was so anxious to go and get him but I had to wait until my work day was done. I arrived at the facility and went into the cat room, so many desperate faces peering at me with hope in their eyes; it is a hard place to go as death lingers around every corner. It is the sad reality of the facility that there are far too many cats and kittens to find rescue help. The worker directed me to a steel cage, as I approached I saw this poor little helpless face peering out at me, eyes so stuck shut with infection and fur so matted with feces and litter stuck everywhere. I opened the cage door and spoke softly to Jessie saying that he would be ok and that I was going to help him. I reached in and picked him up, he was so light and I could feel his bones protruding from beneath all the mattes; this poor soul had suffered so much. I immediately took him to my vets. It took the vet tech hours to work on him to remove the matting in order to give him some comfort. The next day I went to work, I was anxious to call the clinic to see how Jessie was doing. My phone rang at 8:30 am and it was the vet tech Jessica, she told me that when she arrived at 8:00 a.m. Jessie was dead, no sign of life, <--> immediately picked him up and started giving him CPR. Within a few minutes Jessie gasped for air but he was still not out of danger, his heart rate was so low and he was struggling. The clinic worked feverishly to save his life. I was on pins and needles all day worrying about this poor little angel. I went that night after work to see Jessie; my heart sank when I saw him, his little body was struggling and he was so weak. I prayed for him that night that he would be strong enough to live. I called the clinic the next day and there were some positive signs, his blood pressure and heart rate had improved, his body temperature was better; he was by no means out of the woods but he was showing improvement. Everyday Jessie made improvement and the clinic was very positive that Jessie would have a good recovery. I went every day to go see him and sit with him and the team at the clinic was so wonderful and caring. As well, Wendy who will be Jessie's foster mom goes 3 to 4 times a week to spend time with him. Today Jessie is so much better; he has made significant improvement. He is stronger and is up and walking and running around the clinic, he is sweet and affectionate and loves to soak up all the love he is given. He is an amazing little one, and has taught me that you should never give up
because miracles do happen. Jessie is currently in the care of AARF rescue.
On May 08, 2011, an email was sent showing a picture of a cat at Hamilton Animal Control that had a broken jaw and needed to be rescued. She was euthanized on May 17, 2011, after suffering at this shelter for 9 days. I want to know how she was medically treated while in the care of Hamilton Animal Control and what pain medicine she was given during her week and a half stay at this place before euthanized. This needs to be investigated.

Healthy and Sick Cats and kittens being euthanized-How do they choose and why? Please investigate!
I keep seeing emails like the following one where a cat is killed and others aren’t because they are considered easily adoptable. So my question is if the shelter does not allow adoptions, why do they make the distinction? Why would they kill the mother and save the babies if they will more than likely kill the babies anyways a few days later if a rescue does not take them. And if a rescue is going to take them, they would take the mother too. Seems cruel and needs to be investigated. Are their rules to who is chosen for euthanasia? Do they have some guideline to follow? Please investigate.
----- Original Message -----
From: LillyS
To: LillyS ; <-->
Cc: <-->
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 9:09 PM
Subject: POST VERY URGENT: DEADLINE Thurs. Feb. 10: Scared Mom euth early Friday..
Thanks for posting <--> Did your posting say that only rescue groups can get her/ them out? If you read down, my piece did, but people might miss that- this was the confusion two weeks ago, thanks!
Please check out these kittens with their Mother at <--> to see them and please save their Mom. Contact is <--> at <--> asap. Hamilton animal Shelter......Deadline date for Mom is on Friday where there's a good chance she will be probably be euthanized first thing. Mom is not feral, but scared for herself and wee ones...She was friendly enough to be petted and stroked...Please help her...
Pass along to everyone. Thanks
Subject: Re: DEADLINE Thurs. Feb. 10: URGENT: 4 cats need to be rescued from HAS by rescue groups
I just posted on my blog about a Mom and kittens that need to be rescued. Kittens are 7 weeks, tame and darling. Mom is scared to death, but I've been able to pet her and love her. There's a video and pictures of this little group, so please take a look: <--> They do not have much time - in fact, Mom will probably be marked for euthanasia on Friday. The kittens will not be marked, as they are deemed easily adoptable. <-->
No alternatives or options given to people wanting to help-This needs to be investigated why people are being turned away when they want to help
Another common occurrence is when someone wants to adopt a cat they are turned down but not offered any alternative cat or told that if another similar cat shows up at shelter, they will be notified. Why would you turn someone who wants to help away? This happens so many times but I will only post a few examples. I propose that anyone who asks for a specific cat that finds the cat gone be given options of other cats or to be put on a list so that when another similar animal comes to shelter, they are notified.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:48 PM
>> Reply to your "Updated cats in Hamilton shelter- Please help" Ad on Kijiji
>> Hello! The following is a reply to your "" Ad on Kijiji:>>
>> hi there,,i am very interested in adopting greenie,,your persian
>> cat,,,if still available pls contact me,,
> On Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:54:17 -0500, "LillyS" <-->
> wrote:
>> I have forwarded your email response to the rescuers. If Greenie is
>> still there, they will give you further details. Thanks
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: "LillyS" <-->
Cc: <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: Reply to your "Updated cats in Hamilton shelter- Please help" Ad on Kijiji
> Hi Ladies!
> Although I think your intentions are wonderful, I think you should
> probably stop posting ads on Kijiji for HAC. I've been getting some
> pretty kooky people, and I really don't want to be associated as "that
> kind" of rescue. Kijiji often brings out the weirdos.
> Regarding Greenie - he's currently being held-in-trust for 10 days (Not
> sure how many are remaining). He was found sitting on top of his dead
> owner who had been dead for a week. Poor guy. :( I've got a foster
> space for him when his time is up. So he will be safe!
> Thanks so much -> <-->
Process of Rescuing: This needs to be improved.
Someone from the City of Hamilton needs to be hired to deal directly with rescues or public adoptions in an unbiased manner, have normal business hours and specific procedures to follow. This process needs to be transparent and accessible, even for people without computer access. If the city of Hamilton refuses to open their doors to public adoptions, then at least make it accessible to rescues.
In this email, we are told only rescues can save the cats and the person involved in organizing it is going away for 10 days! And, when something got confusing with emails, the solution from this person was to give up and not deal with it. Aren’t animal lives at stake? The City of Hamilton must make this position a city employed position with a set mandate and office hours.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <-->
Cc: <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Hamilton shelter ...:(
> Yes, qualified rescue groups only. They want to insure that the cats
> are going to be cared for and not hurt, tortured, or sold for research.
> There are things worse than euthanasia at the shelter!
> shelter...<--> is the one that organizes that. <--> is leaving for
> holidays on Thursday and getting married - she'll be gone for 10 days.
> I know you are trying to help, but sooooooo many emails. You were
> soliciting for cats that were already being rescued by another group.
> That was the problem yesterday and one of the problems with so many
> emails going around. Nobody had a clue what was going on. These kind of
> email lists often become a feeding frenzy and very confusing. I finally
> gave up making sense of it all.
Confusion on how to rescue and misinformation
Now, one of the reasons this confusion started was because this person <--> mentioned in the above email, has a webpage that states she is available for helping the public rescue from this shelter.

On 2011-05-05, at 7:42 PM, "LillyS" <--> wrote:
Can you meet with <--> this weekend? She wants to adopt.
But when you email her about adopting a cat, you get this as a response.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: LillyS
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: Reply to your "Please Help: Kittens at Hamilton Shelter-Times running out" Ad on Kijiji
I do not screen people. This would have
To go through a rescue group
It needs to be investigated - the process of rescuing from this shelter.
There is so much red tape and inappropriate practices and the City of Hamilton needs to take over this process of adoption or rescue and be made accountable. It needs to be made easily accessible and transparent. Who do you complain to if you have a problem? If there is misinformation being given out?
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->
Cc: <-->
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 4:57 PM
Subject: RE: May, Sierra, and Billie got out today...and the 7 dwarfs Persians....
I'm sorry to say, that you may be doing more harm than good with all these emails. Today, a kind volunteer showed up at the shelter after driving HOURS to pick up cats. Unfortunately, she was not expected at the shelter and turned away. No one knew (including Kim who wasn't even working) what cats she was supposed to pick up or for whom.
Secondly, another person (you know who you are) called the Manager of the shelter complaining that <--> was turned down as a qualified rescue for taking cats. This is absolutely FALSE and rescue was made for <--> today. This caused <--> unnecessary grief and hurts all of us. Remember - the City of Hamilton does NOT have to allow rescues in to take cats. It's a privilege.
What happened today isn't rescue. It's meddling and causing problems. If you want to post for the cats at Hamilton Animal Control - please do! But I cannot sit down at my computer to run my own rescue and be bombarded with 50-60 emails every day.
I'm happy to continue rescuing cats from this shelter for qualified rescues, but will no longer be answering emails or involved in this kind of shenanigans. If qualified rescues would like to contact me - that's great!
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: Reply to <--> e-mail
There is no "blackmail". I've been rescuing from this shelter for many years. Wonderful changes are being made from the inside thanks to their new manager. But changes take time. Nothing is done overnight.
<-->, you don't have the correct information. I'm hopeful that you'll educate yourself and get the proper information about this shelter. It'll make your "case" far more credible.
All the best -
This was a very demeaning email response from a “qualified rescue”. This is a rescue that is allowed at the shelter? Someone who is insulting another rescuer and not even offering the correct information if there is misinformation given. All she could have done was sent this other rescuer a private email with the email links or file/documents if there was other information and not done it publicly.
Even if the original email was made public, a CITY run organization understands The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) “provides a right of access to records held by public bodies and regulates how public bodies manage personal information. FIPPA also provides an independent review process for people who disagree with access and privacy decisions made by public bodies under the Act.” and would have responded in a private manner.
This position needs to be taken over by a City employee who can be made accountable, accessible and have customer relations skills. If this was a City run organization, then people would not be told it is a privilege to “rescue.” I have never heard of rescues being treated this way. Other agencies would be thrilled if people wanted to help and not put those people down.
Another example of Rescuer being denied access to the shelter:
In this case, the rescue was an elderly lady with no email access.
>>>> FROM: <-->
>>>> <-->
>>>> I spoke with her around 3:00 ish and gave her <-->s # at work as
>>>> she'd lost it <--> gave it to me).
>>>> Said she'd call <--> back right away and get back to me.
>>>> She did not call me back.
>>>> Said she'd be requiring transportation for them to her home in
>>>> Brampton & supplied her home address.
And then:
>>> On Mon, 16 May 2011 16:05:06 -0700 (PDT), <--> <--> wrote:
>>>> confusing....
>>>> <--> is going to try to get them out through <-->:
>>>> They will have to go in to mark them to be SAVED, if<--> they were
>>>> marked for EUTH tomorrow...
>>>> Thanks everyone.
>>>> <-->
The response:
>> On 2011-05-16 23:10:01 +0000 <--> wrote:
>>> I did receive a message from Sunny, but unfortunately I can't and
>>> won't sign out these two cats under my rescue group's name. They must go
>>> through proper channels if they want to rescue. I protect my rescue
>>> privileges at this shelter.
>>> Again - I don't mind helping another qualified rescue group that has
>>> been approved by the City of Hamilton.
>>> <-->
> On Mon, 16 May 2011 19:18:46 -0400, <--> <--> wrote:
>> I'm more than qualified, so is half the population willing to rescue
>> animals and give them a home they deserve. If euthanasia in your
>> mind is a better option in these circumstances than you can take full
>> responsibility. This HAC red tape is a load of crap.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <-->
Cc: <--> <-->; <--> <-->; <--> <-->; "LILLY" <-->; <--> <-->
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: MAX AND MIN @ HAC: <-->'s home number in Brampton is <-->.
> I absolutely will not take blame for this, <-->. I'm running my own
> rescue and am trying to follow the rules that the City of Hamilton lays out.
So, we are told she will not help <--> but she will help “qualified rescues”. This position is too important to be left to a non-city employee. Lives are at stake and when people are being turned away or publicly humiliated, I question their ability to be impartial in a rescue effort that needs to be accessible and transparent.
Threatening email publically saying not to call the OSPCA when an animal is posted in distress
This is a response we got from this person in charge of the rescue’s at Hamilton Animal Control and illustrates how unprofessional and inappropriate this individual is in this position. If it was a City employee, then the “threat of calling the OSPCA” would be of no concern as they would have nothing to hide. There would not send threatening emails to rescue’s about it as noted in this email.
From: <--> <-->
I find that when you post URGENTS it is causing to much chaos and trouble for me. We have FRANTIC people calling the shelter and the staff who answer the phones have no idea what these people are talking about. Now, when I post a "rough" looking cat on the site......someone is copying that picture from the site and calling our SPCA filing a cruelty complaint. Then the SPCA has to come over and investigate! SUCH BS! I don't think they realize they are causing so much trouble for my petfinder site.
If the OSPCA is in the same building and there is a sick cat that is suffering and not being treated by Hamilton Animal Control, why shouldn’t they step in and help? This would stop the cruelty and mean that animal would get treatment or be euthanized appropriately not left to suffer, dying in a cage for days like Tigger-Two or Nayla.
There is also some disturbing information being blogged about Hamilton Animal Control that needs to be investigated.
Please investigate this blog about ‘heartstick’ being used at the shelter. The concern is that the vet does not have to sedate the animal before being put down in order to save costs.

This page below is about a kitten at the shelter that was sick and not being treated. Clearly, this kitten needed vet care and I would like it investigated to see what care she received while at Hamilton Animal Control

More information showing the vet treatment of a kitten rescued from Hamilton Animal Control.
So far, the City of Hamilton’s solution is to euthanize and not vet treat any animals that are brought into the shelter. One animal is too many to be left to suffer. This is cruel and needs to be investigated!

The faces of the animals killed at the shelter.
Here are pictures of kittens and a pregnant mom that were set for euthanasia at the shelter. Please also look at this YouTube video of healthy animals being euthanized.

Further documentation of the suffering and cruelty at this shelter.
In this blog, a litter of kittens are born in a litter box full of feces and one is already dead. Another kitten born with his intestines outside his body had to be rescued and then taken to a vet to be euthanized. This needs to be investigated how Hamilton Animal Control allowed this cruelty to occur while an animal was in its care.

Stoney: Another blog with documentation of an animal that had to be “rescued” before receiving vet treatment.
This is cruel that this animal had to suffer with a broken foot while at the shelter before given the dignity of vetting. Was this boy given any treatment while in the care of Hamilton Animal Control? Was he given pain killers? Please investigate.

Inhumane reasons for euthanasia-Investigation needed
Information saying that animals are set for euthanasia because employees at the shelter do not want to clean their cages. I also have this email showing that an investigation needs to be made into how the animals are chosen for euthansia. Is this a trained individual or vet that picks the animals or is it an employee of the city who just doesn’t want the extra work. I have also been told but not sure how to find out if the vet puts animals down at this shelter even when they are not full. Please investigate!
From: <--> [mailto:<-->]
Hi <-->,
This is NOT the tech's fault at all why we are FORCED to euthanize cats. It simply comes down to space issues (or sickness). She (<-->) will not change her routine on when she marks cats for euth for the following morning. Its hard enough to choose who goes...... All we can keep posting cats.....and once they leave, she will see there are empty cages and not have to mark as many as she would have.

Video’s of some of the animals that were at Hamilton Animal Control Video of healthy cats being euthanized along with the sick ones. Marked cats. Highly adoptable kittens. Why shouldn’t the shelter open for public adoptions? Bloody kitten because he is so traumatized from being in shelter. Traumatized 5 month old kitten.
By Lillian Szilagy
Concerned Canadian Citizen
I am asking that all printed copies of this report black out all the names and email addresses used and that if specific information is required, they can contact me for details. ****Names and email addresses have been removed below.
Tigger-Two and Kobe- Elderly cat left to suffer for days before he passed away at shelter and cat suffering with abscess.
I first noticed this elderly cat Tigger-Two while looking on Petfinder March 14, 2011 and wrote a response because they were asking for someone to rescue him which I thought was unusual seeing as he looked like he was dying..
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:24:11 -0400, "LillyS" <--> wrote:
>> Tigger Two looks like he needs more than a new home. He looks like my
>> 21 yr old cat did the day before she died! Whats that you hear? My
>> heart breaking?>>
Response I got from my inquiry about Tigger-Two who looked like he was dying in the picture.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "LillyS" <-->
Cc: <-->; <-->
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: urgent list for Monday <-->?
> Yes...he's probably a zillion years old, but he's VERY sweet and perky.
> There are no obvious medical problems other than age. He's eating,
> drinking, using the litterbox - but not too much if you know what I
> mean.
And then this email indicating Tigger-Two died on March 16, 2011.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <--><-->
Cc: "LillyS" <-->; <-->
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: URGENTS to be rescued by this Thursday?
> Tigger Two died yesterday. Poor little man.
> I rescued "Bob" and "Pebbles" yesterday.
> Calipso has a missing ear - probably from a dog. VERY sad.
> Kobe is awesome - has an abscess from fighting.
> Amos & Andy MUST be rescued together. VERY VERY sweet boys - bonded!
> Good looking list. Thanks, Ladies
In this email, Kobe is mentioned having an abscess. Below is his Petfinder picture.
(1 of 13 pages)

I am interested to know if Hamilton Animal Control gave him any antibiotics or pain medicine or if they drained the abscess? How was he treated medically while in the care of Hamilton Animal Control? Please investigate.Burned Boy Trooper: Cat with burns on his back
I was advised that this cat was treated with ointment while at shelter. Is that appropriate seeing his condition? Should he not have been given antibiotics or painkillers? Please investigate as there is even a video of his burns.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <--><-->
Cc: <--><-->; <-->; <-->
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: OMG what can we do about this boy?
> I saw this guy and he's really really sweet. His wounds look like burns. :(
YouTube video of burns:
I asked the OSPCA to investigate this cat and was told “The cats are vet treated....the burned cat was treated 2 times a day with ointment while he was there and only had one open wound (the rest were scratches)”. You watch the video and be the judge.
Here is an update on him-look under the name Trooper.
Emma/Jessie: Persian cat that was also dying at the shelter.
I asked the OSPCA to investigate this Persian as her picture on Petfinder showed a cat that was in serious distress. I have still not been advised on how this cat was treated while in the care of Hamilton Animal Control so it still needs to be investigated. Please read the following email and blog about the rescue. Emma ended up being a boy renamed Jessie. Please investigate how this animal was medically treated while at shelter. Please investigate the suffering that is allowed at Hamilton Animal Control and see why the OSPCA is not called in immediately by the city workers when they get these animals in to be medically treated. Why isn’t a rescue group called immediately by Hamilton Animal Control to save the animal? Why is it up to someone posting his picture and asking for help before he is saved from his suffering?
UPDATE: March 15, 2011 - It turns out Emma is a neutered male the animal control facility did not sex him correctly.
He is currently at our vet clinic - he was very sick, dehydrated and emaciated - he actually went into cardiac arrest on Wednesday and the tech revived him.
(2 of13 pages)
As of Thursday and Friday it was not looking good, but he seemed to perk up on Saturday with his heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature improving. Blood work indicated a severe infection, parasites, his levels are all over the place but that is to be expected considering the condition he is in and who knows how long he has been this way, from the severity of the matting we think for quite some time. Sunday he was actually able to sit up and yesterday he stood up. He is a very sweet little guy, super affectionate and purrs so loud, loves to have his paw touching you. He is still on iv as he is not out of the woods yet, but...everyday we see improvement.
UPDATE - March 9, 2011 - We have pulled kitty from the animal control facility - and have moved her to our vet clinic where she is receiving much needed medical care. This poor sweet girl is approximately 1 year old; she came in as a stray. Emma (now identified as male) is severely matted, dehydrated and very emaciated. They have started to remove some of the matting on her which are right to her skin - it will take many grooming sessions to fully remove them all. We will be doing blood work and further testing and will keep you posted on her status.
Jessie is our little miracle. Once unloved and riddled with neglect this little fellow ended up in an animal control facility. Jessie's story: My name is <-->. I work full time and in my spare time after taking care of my family I try to help by saving animals on death row. One evening after a long day of work, and rescue, I thought I would check my emails one last time before retiring to bed. There were the usual messages we rescuers receive on a daily basis i.e. so many pleas for animals in desperate need. Being a rescue it is overwhelming at times. There was an email from Nancy who frequently posts animals on death row, whose time has run out. I don't know why I clicked on that message as I am so over my limit with dogs and cats in my rescue, but I did, I read the usual plea for cats sitting on death row, I continued to read the message and saw a line that said "and the saddest is this persian who needs vetting asap", I scrolled down and there was a picture which horrified me. That night all I could think about was Jessie only having until Friday to find rescue help. I picked up the phone and called my contact at the facility; I asked if she could put a hold on him until Thursday. I had no idea what I would do to help this little soul, but there was just something that told me I would find help for him. I posted Jessie immediately on my rescue site with an urgent plea for a foster home. The next day, I checked my messages on my lunch and an email popped up referencing "urgent Jessie". My heart was racing and I couldn't open the email fast enough, there was a message from a woman named <--> enquiring about becoming his foster mom and asked if I could call her. I immediately picked up the phone and we talked, I sent <--> a foster application which she completed right away. Next, I called my vet to ask if I could bring him there as he was in immediate need of medical care. I was so anxious to go and get him but I had to wait until my work day was done. I arrived at the facility and went into the cat room, so many desperate faces peering at me with hope in their eyes; it is a hard place to go as death lingers around every corner. It is the sad reality of the facility that there are far too many cats and kittens to find rescue help. The worker directed me to a steel cage, as I approached I saw this poor little helpless face peering out at me, eyes so stuck shut with infection and fur so matted with feces and litter stuck everywhere. I opened the cage door and spoke softly to Jessie saying that he would be ok and that I was going to help him. I reached in and picked him up, he was so light and I could feel his bones protruding from beneath all the mattes; this poor soul had suffered so much. I immediately took him to my vets. It took the vet tech hours to work on him to remove the matting in order to give him some comfort. The next day I went to work, I was anxious to call the clinic to see how Jessie was doing. My phone rang at 8:30 am and it was the vet tech Jessica, she told me that when she arrived at 8:00 a.m. Jessie was dead, no sign of life, <--> immediately picked him up and started giving him CPR. Within a few minutes Jessie gasped for air but he was still not out of danger, his heart rate was so low and he was struggling. The clinic worked feverishly to save his life. I was on pins and needles all day worrying about this poor little angel. I went that night after work to see Jessie; my heart sank when I saw him, his little body was struggling and he was so weak. I prayed for him that night that he would be strong enough to live. I called the clinic the next day and there were some positive signs, his blood pressure and heart rate had improved, his body temperature was better; he was by no means out of the woods but he was showing improvement. Everyday Jessie made improvement and the clinic was very positive that Jessie would have a good recovery. I went every day to go see him and sit with him and the team at the clinic was so wonderful and caring. As well, Wendy who will be Jessie's foster mom goes 3 to 4 times a week to spend time with him. Today Jessie is so much better; he has made significant improvement. He is stronger and is up and walking and running around the clinic, he is sweet and affectionate and loves to soak up all the love he is given. He is an amazing little one, and has taught me that you should never give up
because miracles do happen. Jessie is currently in the care of AARF rescue.
(3 of13 pages)
Nayla-cat euthanized after being at the shelter with a broken jaw.On May 08, 2011, an email was sent showing a picture of a cat at Hamilton Animal Control that had a broken jaw and needed to be rescued. She was euthanized on May 17, 2011, after suffering at this shelter for 9 days. I want to know how she was medically treated while in the care of Hamilton Animal Control and what pain medicine she was given during her week and a half stay at this place before euthanized. This needs to be investigated.
Healthy and Sick Cats and kittens being euthanized-How do they choose and why? Please investigate!
I keep seeing emails like the following one where a cat is killed and others aren’t because they are considered easily adoptable. So my question is if the shelter does not allow adoptions, why do they make the distinction? Why would they kill the mother and save the babies if they will more than likely kill the babies anyways a few days later if a rescue does not take them. And if a rescue is going to take them, they would take the mother too. Seems cruel and needs to be investigated. Are their rules to who is chosen for euthanasia? Do they have some guideline to follow? Please investigate.
----- Original Message -----
From: LillyS
To: LillyS ; <-->
Cc: <-->
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 9:09 PM
Subject: POST VERY URGENT: DEADLINE Thurs. Feb. 10: Scared Mom euth early Friday..
Thanks for posting <--> Did your posting say that only rescue groups can get her/ them out? If you read down, my piece did, but people might miss that- this was the confusion two weeks ago, thanks!
Please check out these kittens with their Mother at <--> to see them and please save their Mom. Contact is <--> at <--> asap. Hamilton animal Shelter......Deadline date for Mom is on Friday where there's a good chance she will be probably be euthanized first thing. Mom is not feral, but scared for herself and wee ones...She was friendly enough to be petted and stroked...Please help her...
Pass along to everyone. Thanks
Subject: Re: DEADLINE Thurs. Feb. 10: URGENT: 4 cats need to be rescued from HAS by rescue groups
I just posted on my blog about a Mom and kittens that need to be rescued. Kittens are 7 weeks, tame and darling. Mom is scared to death, but I've been able to pet her and love her. There's a video and pictures of this little group, so please take a look: <--> They do not have much time - in fact, Mom will probably be marked for euthanasia on Friday. The kittens will not be marked, as they are deemed easily adoptable. <-->
No alternatives or options given to people wanting to help-This needs to be investigated why people are being turned away when they want to help
Another common occurrence is when someone wants to adopt a cat they are turned down but not offered any alternative cat or told that if another similar cat shows up at shelter, they will be notified. Why would you turn someone who wants to help away? This happens so many times but I will only post a few examples. I propose that anyone who asks for a specific cat that finds the cat gone be given options of other cats or to be put on a list so that when another similar animal comes to shelter, they are notified.
(4 of13 pages)
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:48 PM
>> Reply to your "Updated cats in Hamilton shelter- Please help" Ad on Kijiji
>> Hello! The following is a reply to your "" Ad on Kijiji:>>
>> hi there,,i am very interested in adopting greenie,,your persian
>> cat,,,if still available pls contact me,,
> On Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:54:17 -0500, "LillyS" <-->
> wrote:
>> I have forwarded your email response to the rescuers. If Greenie is
>> still there, they will give you further details. Thanks
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: "LillyS" <-->
Cc: <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: Reply to your "Updated cats in Hamilton shelter- Please help" Ad on Kijiji
> Hi Ladies!
> Although I think your intentions are wonderful, I think you should
> probably stop posting ads on Kijiji for HAC. I've been getting some
> pretty kooky people, and I really don't want to be associated as "that
> kind" of rescue. Kijiji often brings out the weirdos.
> Regarding Greenie - he's currently being held-in-trust for 10 days (Not
> sure how many are remaining). He was found sitting on top of his dead
> owner who had been dead for a week. Poor guy. :( I've got a foster
> space for him when his time is up. So he will be safe!
> Thanks so much -> <-->
Process of Rescuing: This needs to be improved.
Someone from the City of Hamilton needs to be hired to deal directly with rescues or public adoptions in an unbiased manner, have normal business hours and specific procedures to follow. This process needs to be transparent and accessible, even for people without computer access. If the city of Hamilton refuses to open their doors to public adoptions, then at least make it accessible to rescues.
In this email, we are told only rescues can save the cats and the person involved in organizing it is going away for 10 days! And, when something got confusing with emails, the solution from this person was to give up and not deal with it. Aren’t animal lives at stake? The City of Hamilton must make this position a city employed position with a set mandate and office hours.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <-->
Cc: <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Hamilton shelter ...:(
> Yes, qualified rescue groups only. They want to insure that the cats
> are going to be cared for and not hurt, tortured, or sold for research.
> There are things worse than euthanasia at the shelter!
(5 of13 pages)
> It's easy to be an approved rescue organization and rescue from the > shelter...<--> is the one that organizes that. <--> is leaving for
> holidays on Thursday and getting married - she'll be gone for 10 days.
> I know you are trying to help, but sooooooo many emails. You were
> soliciting for cats that were already being rescued by another group.
> That was the problem yesterday and one of the problems with so many
> emails going around. Nobody had a clue what was going on. These kind of
> email lists often become a feeding frenzy and very confusing. I finally
> gave up making sense of it all.
Confusion on how to rescue and misinformation
Now, one of the reasons this confusion started was because this person <--> mentioned in the above email, has a webpage that states she is available for helping the public rescue from this shelter.
On 2011-05-05, at 7:42 PM, "LillyS" <--> wrote:
Can you meet with <--> this weekend? She wants to adopt.
But when you email her about adopting a cat, you get this as a response.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: LillyS
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: Reply to your "Please Help: Kittens at Hamilton Shelter-Times running out" Ad on Kijiji
I do not screen people. This would have
To go through a rescue group
(6 of 13 pages)
So, the person responsible for all rescues at this shelter has a webpage asking for help but responds she will not deal with the public and does not even give an option of what rescue groups to go to. Again, if someone is asking to help, a City of Hamilton employee would have a list of all rescues that are approved through the shelter and be able to fax, email or give in writing a copy of these agencies so no one is turned away. How many animals die because of this? I know that anything that is run by a city would have literature and information available and would not turn people away without giving options.It needs to be investigated - the process of rescuing from this shelter.
There is so much red tape and inappropriate practices and the City of Hamilton needs to take over this process of adoption or rescue and be made accountable. It needs to be made easily accessible and transparent. Who do you complain to if you have a problem? If there is misinformation being given out?
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->
Cc: <-->
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 4:57 PM
Subject: RE: May, Sierra, and Billie got out today...and the 7 dwarfs Persians....
I'm sorry to say, that you may be doing more harm than good with all these emails. Today, a kind volunteer showed up at the shelter after driving HOURS to pick up cats. Unfortunately, she was not expected at the shelter and turned away. No one knew (including Kim who wasn't even working) what cats she was supposed to pick up or for whom.
Secondly, another person (you know who you are) called the Manager of the shelter complaining that <--> was turned down as a qualified rescue for taking cats. This is absolutely FALSE and rescue was made for <--> today. This caused <--> unnecessary grief and hurts all of us. Remember - the City of Hamilton does NOT have to allow rescues in to take cats. It's a privilege.
What happened today isn't rescue. It's meddling and causing problems. If you want to post for the cats at Hamilton Animal Control - please do! But I cannot sit down at my computer to run my own rescue and be bombarded with 50-60 emails every day.
I'm happy to continue rescuing cats from this shelter for qualified rescues, but will no longer be answering emails or involved in this kind of shenanigans. If qualified rescues would like to contact me - that's great!
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->; <-->
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: Reply to <--> e-mail
There is no "blackmail". I've been rescuing from this shelter for many years. Wonderful changes are being made from the inside thanks to their new manager. But changes take time. Nothing is done overnight.
<-->, you don't have the correct information. I'm hopeful that you'll educate yourself and get the proper information about this shelter. It'll make your "case" far more credible.
All the best -
(7 of13 pages)
This was a very demeaning email response from a “qualified rescue”. This is a rescue that is allowed at the shelter? Someone who is insulting another rescuer and not even offering the correct information if there is misinformation given. All she could have done was sent this other rescuer a private email with the email links or file/documents if there was other information and not done it publicly.
Even if the original email was made public, a CITY run organization understands The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) “provides a right of access to records held by public bodies and regulates how public bodies manage personal information. FIPPA also provides an independent review process for people who disagree with access and privacy decisions made by public bodies under the Act.” and would have responded in a private manner.
This position needs to be taken over by a City employee who can be made accountable, accessible and have customer relations skills. If this was a City run organization, then people would not be told it is a privilege to “rescue.” I have never heard of rescues being treated this way. Other agencies would be thrilled if people wanted to help and not put those people down.
Another example of Rescuer being denied access to the shelter:
In this case, the rescue was an elderly lady with no email access.
>>>> FROM: <-->
>>>> <-->
>>>> I spoke with her around 3:00 ish and gave her <-->s # at work as
>>>> she'd lost it <--> gave it to me).
>>>> Said she'd call <--> back right away and get back to me.
>>>> She did not call me back.
>>>> Said she'd be requiring transportation for them to her home in
>>>> Brampton & supplied her home address.
And then:
>>> On Mon, 16 May 2011 16:05:06 -0700 (PDT), <--> <--> wrote:
>>>> confusing....
>>>> <--> is going to try to get them out through <-->:
>>>> They will have to go in to mark them to be SAVED, if<--> they were
>>>> marked for EUTH tomorrow...
>>>> Thanks everyone.
>>>> <-->
The response:
>> On 2011-05-16 23:10:01 +0000 <--> wrote:
>>> I did receive a message from Sunny, but unfortunately I can't and
>>> won't sign out these two cats under my rescue group's name. They must go
>>> through proper channels if they want to rescue. I protect my rescue
>>> privileges at this shelter.
>>> Again - I don't mind helping another qualified rescue group that has
>>> been approved by the City of Hamilton.
>>> <-->
(8 of13 pages)
Response to the attack saying she will help “qualified rescues” when a rescue was trying to get 2 cats saved.> On Mon, 16 May 2011 19:18:46 -0400, <--> <--> wrote:
>> I'm more than qualified, so is half the population willing to rescue
>> animals and give them a home they deserve. If euthanasia in your
>> mind is a better option in these circumstances than you can take full
>> responsibility. This HAC red tape is a load of crap.
----- Original Message -----
From: <-->
To: <-->
Cc: <--> <-->; <--> <-->; <--> <-->; "LILLY" <-->; <--> <-->
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: MAX AND MIN @ HAC: <-->'s home number in Brampton is <-->.
> I absolutely will not take blame for this, <-->. I'm running my own
> rescue and am trying to follow the rules that the City of Hamilton lays out.
So, we are told she will not help <--> but she will help “qualified rescues”. This position is too important to be left to a non-city employee. Lives are at stake and when people are being turned away or publicly humiliated, I question their ability to be impartial in a rescue effort that needs to be accessible and transparent.
Threatening email publically saying not to call the OSPCA when an animal is posted in distress
This is a response we got from this person in charge of the rescue’s at Hamilton Animal Control and illustrates how unprofessional and inappropriate this individual is in this position. If it was a City employee, then the “threat of calling the OSPCA” would be of no concern as they would have nothing to hide. There would not send threatening emails to rescue’s about it as noted in this email.
From: <--> <-->
I find that when you post URGENTS it is causing to much chaos and trouble for me. We have FRANTIC people calling the shelter and the staff who answer the phones have no idea what these people are talking about. Now, when I post a "rough" looking cat on the site......someone is copying that picture from the site and calling our SPCA filing a cruelty complaint. Then the SPCA has to come over and investigate! SUCH BS! I don't think they realize they are causing so much trouble for my petfinder site.
If the OSPCA is in the same building and there is a sick cat that is suffering and not being treated by Hamilton Animal Control, why shouldn’t they step in and help? This would stop the cruelty and mean that animal would get treatment or be euthanized appropriately not left to suffer, dying in a cage for days like Tigger-Two or Nayla.
There is also some disturbing information being blogged about Hamilton Animal Control that needs to be investigated.
Please investigate this blog about ‘heartstick’ being used at the shelter. The concern is that the vet does not have to sedate the animal before being put down in order to save costs.
(9 of13 pages)
This page below is about a kitten at the shelter that was sick and not being treated. Clearly, this kitten needed vet care and I would like it investigated to see what care she received while at Hamilton Animal Control
(10 of13 pages)
So far, the City of Hamilton’s solution is to euthanize and not vet treat any animals that are brought into the shelter. One animal is too many to be left to suffer. This is cruel and needs to be investigated!
The faces of the animals killed at the shelter.
Here are pictures of kittens and a pregnant mom that were set for euthanasia at the shelter. Please also look at this YouTube video of healthy animals being euthanized.
(11 of13 pages)
In this blog, a litter of kittens are born in a litter box full of feces and one is already dead. Another kitten born with his intestines outside his body had to be rescued and then taken to a vet to be euthanized. This needs to be investigated how Hamilton Animal Control allowed this cruelty to occur while an animal was in its care.
Stoney: Another blog with documentation of an animal that had to be “rescued” before receiving vet treatment.
This is cruel that this animal had to suffer with a broken foot while at the shelter before given the dignity of vetting. Was this boy given any treatment while in the care of Hamilton Animal Control? Was he given pain killers? Please investigate.
(12 of13 pages)
Information saying that animals are set for euthanasia because employees at the shelter do not want to clean their cages. I also have this email showing that an investigation needs to be made into how the animals are chosen for euthansia. Is this a trained individual or vet that picks the animals or is it an employee of the city who just doesn’t want the extra work. I have also been told but not sure how to find out if the vet puts animals down at this shelter even when they are not full. Please investigate!
From: <--> [mailto:<-->]
Hi <-->,
This is NOT the tech's fault at all why we are FORCED to euthanize cats. It simply comes down to space issues (or sickness). She (<-->) will not change her routine on when she marks cats for euth for the following morning. Its hard enough to choose who goes...... All we can keep posting cats.....and once they leave, she will see there are empty cages and not have to mark as many as she would have.
Video’s of some of the animals that were at Hamilton Animal Control Video of healthy cats being euthanized along with the sick ones. Marked cats. Highly adoptable kittens. Why shouldn’t the shelter open for public adoptions? Bloody kitten because he is so traumatized from being in shelter. Traumatized 5 month old kitten.
(13 of13 pages - END)
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